Sinopec in 40 Years

Sinopec is 40 years old! Looking back on our journey spanning from 1983 to 2023, we are proud that we have built friendship with countries around the world through open cooperation, mutual learning between civilizations and cultures and its sincere communication. We honored our commitment to green and low-carbon development and environmental protection through concrete actions, and created a better life together with people all over the world through responsible engagement. Now let’s turn back the clock and open the Sinopec chronicle together.

Domestic Joint Ventures and Cooperation

Overseas E&P and Engineering Services

Cooperation on and Engineering Services for Refining and Chemical Projects

International Trade and Cooperation

Environmental Protection

Contribution to Local Wellbeing

Sinopec supports many countries where it builds presence and contributes to local wellbeing through its development.

Mutual Learning and Cross-Culture Integration

Respecting cultural diversity and promoting cultural communication, Sinopec is contributing to cultural integration while bringing experiences to many countries where it builds presence.

Source: @Sinopec